Feb 18, 2011

The Power of a Positive Wife: Chapter 1

Last time, we took a peek at the introduction for this book.  This post will take an overview of chapter one of The Power of a Positive Wife.

Chapter 1 [part one]: The Impact of a Positive Wife

 This chapter starts out asking the question, "If you could choose the one ingredient that makes a great wife, what would it be?"..."What if her every waking moment is motivated by the question, 'What can I do to make my husband's world a better place?'...this would be great attention, but the most important ingredient is God-centerdness."  In this book, Karol Ladd stresses the important of a personal relationship with Christ, and spiritual growth.  If we're truly God-centered, and trying our best to apply biblical principles to our lives, we will try to please our husbands to the best of our ability.  Pleasing our husbands in everything, however, is not our #1 motivation.  "Her walk with God allows her to keep the other areas of her life in balance". 

Karol reminds that marriage is all about two unique individuals using their individual talents to strengthen and balance the marriage.  For, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work" (Eccl. 4:9).  We're encouraged to take stock of our talents and abilities, and find ways to use them in the best way.

In Romans 12:9-12, 15,16, Paul talks about devoted, true love.  He never asks if the other person treats us with love first.  "Showing love means helping others become better people".  The book states that we should be as blind to our husbands faults as we can, and encourage him in his good areas.  Obviously, she's not talking about a glaring sin problem, and occasions do arise when we'll need to point something out to the hubby that he can try to better himself at - she's simply talking about day to day life; encouraging us to dwell on the positive, not the negative!

When women are hurt by their husbands, they might often be tempted to try to get back at him by giving the silent treatment, use spiteful words, or even withhold intimacy.  Karol gives us the example of Paul.  He had "every right" to try to get even with his enemies, but he chose to forgive and move on.  "We need to practice the profound principle of forgiving...what does an I'm-going-to-get-you-back attitude do for us? Do they make us better people or just bitter ones?" 

Wives set the tone for their homes.  Proverbs 19:13, 14 says, "a nagging wife annoys like a constant dripping...but only the Lord can give an understanding wife".  Our attitudes and actions are like air fresheners.  If someone walks into our home, they can either breath in deeply and smile, or wrinkle their noses in disgust.

The last part of chapter one talks about control; Let's see what Karol has to say.  "What do wives want to control? Circumstances, for one.  We want to keep the people and things around us healthy, happy and safe.  Our families, for two.  Many of us want to control our husbands and children - to micromanage their every action."  She encourages us to identify what areas in our life we try to control, and turn it over to God.  It's not our job to try to control our families, and every circumstance in our life; when we see flaws in our husbands, sometimes we're tempted to think it's our job to try to change his ways, but that's not our job.  Our job is to encourage him in good ways, and take his name to God in prayer.

"What is your greatest weakness or challenge in your marriage?  We all know marriage is not a stroll down Easy Street...it's more like a drive Flaws and Weaknesses Lane...The question is not, 'Do you have challenges?' The question is, 'Where do you go for help, power, and strength through the challenges?"


Feb 13, 2011

Happy birthday, Candice!

Today is my friend Candice's birthday.  

Ah, how far we've come together!  We used to play with baby dolls, and nail polish, and convince the others to play dress up with us.  Now we talk every chance we get , even though we're separated by many miles.  We also have an insane number of nicknames for each other.  Alot of mine involve some form of 'Punkin'.  But let's not get too far into that...

We love to skype!

Happy birthday, Candice!
~Eye Heart Ewe!~

Feb 11, 2011

The Power of a Positive Wife: Introduction

When we were staying with my grandparents on furlough, I happened to see a book on Nanna's shelf that was entitled, "The Power of a Positive Wife".  I thought it looked interesting, so I picked it up and started to thumb through it.  Before I knew it, I had my notebook and pen out, furiously taking notes.  My sweet and generous Nanna saw me, laughed a little, and gave me another copy she happened to have tucked away!

Now, I'm obviously not a wife, but I really love this book; it has so many good points.  Even though it's about how wives should relate to their husbands (which is very helpful to read, even though I'm not married yet), it has so many things I can apply to everyday life with all of my family. 

I thought I would take one blog post at at time, and share some good parts from each chapter!

It starts out with a 4 page introduction where it generally outlines the book, and the overall purpose.  The book starts out with this: "Let me guess...you fully intended to be a positive wife when you first got married...but somewhere between the 'I do' and the 'happily ever after' you found yourself struggling...and suddenly you found that you weren't all you intended you would be".  "...If I gaze into my husbands eyes, it might be that I'm trying to get him to help with the kids or take out the trash."  The book's emphasis is on how wives should react to their husbands, regardless of what the husband's behavior might be.

She tries to stress the importance of the wife's personal relationship with God.  "The positive wife doesn't look only to her husband to fill her with joy and contentment, she looks to her heavenly Father".  She goes on to say that every marriage will have problems, because both the husband and wife do, but the real question that determines the state of a marriage is how we will handle those problems.

Hopefully you'll enjoy the quick look of this book, and if it interests you, maybe you'll even think about getting a copy of your own!


Feb 6, 2011

Happy birthday, Jake!

Today is Jacob's 22nd birthday!  If you all would like to wish him a happy one, please do!

 Happy birthday, Jacob!

Feb 1, 2011


Here are just a few pictures that I hope you'll enjoy!

 Driving down to Iringa.  I think Panya wanted to be the figurehead...

This is how Don and Axe spent their time.

This is how Panya spent her time.

Or this...(what a cutie!)

Since there was no AC, we had all the windows rolled down the entire trip.  It was a liiiittle windy! 

 This is our backyard.  Note the handy little spigot in the middle there...

 The front yard!  Isn't it pretty up there?  The scenery is definitely different than in the North.  

Heh heh.  We have two mango trees, and the dogs snack on the fallen fruit all day long.  Panya has a fat little mango belly!

Going running with deh boys! 

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