I've been meaning to do a new post for a long time now, but I never did get around to it. Here's some things that have been happening.
~* Julia's been home for...quite a while now. We all missed her!
~* I finished school, hooray!!! I've been helping here at home. It's nice to be able to have time to help with and do other things.
I am going to try to study Swahili more. I get by with speaking to people, but if I actually take the time to study, I'll do better. The main thing that will help me is learning more vocabulary.
I'm still teaching Aubrie and Ayden on Friday mornings. They're such a joy. :) Little Ryan is growing like a weed! He's such a happy baby.
~* I've still been helping at the clinic twice a week, usually Mondays and Tuesdays. I love helping there as much as ever! Danny and Nancy are truly special people. They're going to visit the States in a few weeks, so Stephanie and I will try to help out there as much as we can. There's going to be a christmas party there with the staff. We're going to have a white elephant gift exchange, so it should be fun!
~* We're getting ready to have company here from December through January, so we've been trying to cook things ahead that we can pull out easily.
~* The short rainy season has begun, so we've had the blessing of rain. Plants are starting to perk up and become green, the dust has settled, and people seem refreshed.
~* We have a new addition to our family! Her name is Axe, and she's a German Shepherd. Jacob is her favorite, she follows him pretty much everywhere he goes. She's still warming up to the rest of us,though, and is still trying to get used to Don.
That's about all I can think at the moment! I hope everyone has a great day!
~*LoVe Is PaTiEnT*~
~*aNd kInD,*~
~*LoVe DoEs NoT eNvY oR bOaSt;*~
~*It Is NoT aRrOgAnT oR rUde...*~
~*LoVe BeArS aLl ThInGs,*~
~* BeLiEvEs AlL tHiNgS,*~
~*HoPeS aLl ThInGs,*~
~*EnDuReS aLl ThInGs.*~